Friday, 18 December 2015
Mainmanger shows off automated EPD calculations using the bimsync API
Mainmanger demonstrated their prototype BIM based Environmental Impact calculator at an event in Reykjavik, Island. The tool is one of the deliveries from the SAC – Standards Automatically Consumed project founded by Nordic Innovation. The tool is an implementation of EN 15978 Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of environmental performance of buildings, and combines two Api services provided by Catenda.
Read the full Article here
Thursday, 17 December 2015
FM Needs Support Too!
FM is always under pressure to provide a seamless, largely unseen and cost effective service to the core business. So who supports the supporters?
Most commonly, FM's support services and infrastructure are provided by the parent organisation if the service is in-house or is self procured and sometimes internally provided for service delivery companies. Regardless of your position, how do you know you're getting the best deal? Who is looking after your interests? After all, you are busy delivering the service. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing what you do because 'that's the way we do it'. When was the last time you challenged your ways of working and organisational beliefs?
Maybe you are just at the stage where you feel you can 'play with the big boys' but struggle with the cost of large corporate infrastructure purchases.
Whether you are a start-up, single service FM delivery company or an established player in TFM we can help you to get more from your business.
Are you looking for a Workforce Management/CAFM system to suit your budget and delivery strategy or have an existing system and want to get more out of it?
Are you considering or already holding BIM data that you want to use to support your FM operations?
Do you want to bring your IT infrastructure up to date?
Do you need to compete in the mobile enabled market?
FM180 have a wealth of experience in supporting the FM industry. That’s right, FM needs support too! We can provide the hardware, IT and hosting services and help you source and implement the right applications for you. We can help you grow if you need a scaleable and flexible solution. We can also help you to challenge 'conventional wisdom'.
FM supports the core business, we provide the tools and systems you need to provide that support. Why not give us a call or visit our website today?
We’re happy to have a confidential, no strings chat about your concerns and goals. You have nothing to lose but the time it takes to call.
Most commonly, FM's support services and infrastructure are provided by the parent organisation if the service is in-house or is self procured and sometimes internally provided for service delivery companies. Regardless of your position, how do you know you're getting the best deal? Who is looking after your interests? After all, you are busy delivering the service. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing what you do because 'that's the way we do it'. When was the last time you challenged your ways of working and organisational beliefs?
Maybe you are just at the stage where you feel you can 'play with the big boys' but struggle with the cost of large corporate infrastructure purchases.
Whether you are a start-up, single service FM delivery company or an established player in TFM we can help you to get more from your business.
Are you looking for a Workforce Management/CAFM system to suit your budget and delivery strategy or have an existing system and want to get more out of it?
Are you considering or already holding BIM data that you want to use to support your FM operations?
Do you want to bring your IT infrastructure up to date?
Do you need to compete in the mobile enabled market?
FM180 have a wealth of experience in supporting the FM industry. That’s right, FM needs support too! We can provide the hardware, IT and hosting services and help you source and implement the right applications for you. We can help you grow if you need a scaleable and flexible solution. We can also help you to challenge 'conventional wisdom'.
FM supports the core business, we provide the tools and systems you need to provide that support. Why not give us a call or visit our website today?
We’re happy to have a confidential, no strings chat about your concerns and goals. You have nothing to lose but the time it takes to call.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
FM180 Complete 12 Hour Karting endurance
FM180 race team has successfully completed the 12 Hour Von Mallorca endurance race and we didn't come last :-) great effort by all of the team on what was a grueling race and thanks to team Ibsecad for all of their support and help over the weekend.
Thursday, 1 October 2015

Providers of high quality commercial bathrooms, the Cubicle Centre have selected Orthograph to help them deliver BIM ready solutions more effectively. Already leading the way in BIM designed and manufactured products, the Cubicle Centre are taking BIM into the field using Orthograph's intuitive 3D survey capabilities.
The company plan to use the application to carry out on site surveys and export the 3D BIM information back to the design office directly into their 3D design software allowing them to reduce re-working and eliminating duplication of information gathering.
As the Cubicle Centre say
"The smallest rooms in the building can lead to the biggest frustrations, but at the Cubicle Centre we are working hard to make your life as easy as possible."
Orthograph allows the user to quickly draw and measure locations accurately including adding openings, doors, windows etc. The resulting image can then be exported in a number of established drawing formats for use in 2D and 3D drawing applications. For a full demonstration of Orthographs capabilities view the video here - Orthograph Product Demonstration
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
BNYL 2015 - What will MainManager do for you?
Once your IFC is imported into MainManager, we'll create the assets and locations giving you a 3D view of your facility. This is where the power of BIM comes to the fore. The 3D images are great, we all like to 'fly' around the building and look at things but, the quality of data provided by the BIM model is unequaled in traditional FM terms. From the model we can now:
- Schedule planned work.
- Assign contractors and trades in advance so we can project labour requirements.
- Create checklists allowing us to meet best practice by utilising standards such as SFG20, NRM etc.
- Attach documents, plans or drawings to works and attach the records to objects in the model.
- Create reactive tasks against objects in the model well in advance of the operate and maintain phase. Imagine carrying out visual clash detection, creating issues and work orders during construction and making snagging a part of the solution rather than a problem at the end of a project.
- View the asset records from the objects in the model including documents, drawings, O&M manuals and work history records. In fact, you can now access any information you need directly from the 3D representation.
- Link to BMS, Finance and other applications.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
BNYL Site import and test mark up tool
This is the site we are working on, Hudson Yard, New York City. Some really exciting ideas coming from the design teams! We can't wait to see how it shapes up.
To kill a bit of time, I thought I'd check the mark up tool.
Actually, I wish I was there! Maybe next week....
This is just an example of the mark up tool. Nothing to do with the BNYL project but, we believe MainManager can be utilised throughout the BIM process to aid design and construction teams by providing an easily accessible visual collaboration tool which can be used to register incidents such as clashes, snagging, H&S concerns etc.
BNYL Test import of a plantroom
Well, things are moving fast, the design teams are all busy bringing the OneWYG project out of the ground.
Whilst we're waiting, we imported an example plant room and all seems well. We're just waiting for the first structural and MEP models to find their way to us.
Excitement is building! #Facman #BIM #BIM4FM
Monday, 21 September 2015
FM180 to provide FM solutions for BNYL 2015
FM180 to provide FM solutions for BNYL 2015
WYG are taking part in Build New York Live 2015 and have selected FM180 to provide the Facilities Management solution for the project. We are obviously very excited and looking forward to the challenge!To follow our progress and the competition, live, keep an eye on our blog, Linked in and Twitter accounts.
+FM180 @FM180steve @wyggroup #MainManager #FM180 #BNYL #OneWYG
To read more, go to WYG takes on BNYL
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
FM180 Race Team
FM180 are signed up and are getting prepared for the impending DIE 12h VON Mallorca go karting challenge on the 23rd and 24th October 2015.
We will be going head to head with the other UK entrants the boys from specialist BIM modelling outfit IBSECAD
We have entered a team of 6 and are now embarking on a serious training regime to shed some poundage and get ourselves race fit.
Watch this space for news and updates as the race draws closer.
We will be going head to head with the other UK entrants the boys from specialist BIM modelling outfit IBSECAD
We have entered a team of 6 and are now embarking on a serious training regime to shed some poundage and get ourselves race fit.
Watch this space for news and updates as the race draws closer.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Thursday, 2 July 2015
We had a great day yesterday at the latest @ThinkBIM event
discussing #GreenBIM.
The speakers were excellent and we had the opportunity to
host a round table discussion on how to get FM involved in the BIM process. For a full breakdown of the event follow the
link below:
Our discussion revolved around the first three questions we
believe FM should ask of itself when embarking on the BIM journey. The responses and questions from delegates
showed that FM has some way to go before becoming an established player in the
BIM process. Time to get involved and
tell people what you need from BIM.
If you are about to embark on your own journey, let us help
you to tap into resources and guidance to get the result you want.
thinkBIM is run by the Centre for Knowledge
Exchange at Leeds Beckett University
#Facman #BIM #CAFM #FM180
Friday, 12 June 2015
BIM Slicing now available in MainManager
Another fantastic advance in MainManager’s BIM capability is
the slice feature. Using this function, the FM can slice through the
model until the required view is shown. Static views of drawings or fixed
levels within a BIM model are a thing of the past. Interactive use of the
detailed 3D model for briefings, investigations or planning is now entirely
possible. Speak to one of our advisors for more information or to book a
Friday, 5 June 2015
Sentralen Oslo chooses MainManager
Sentralen, a subsidiary of Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, has chosen MainManager to maintain and manage it’s facilities.
Sentralen’s data will be imported into MainManager as a three-dimensional BIM model which will then be used to manage information on the building and it’s systems. Subsequently, Sentralen will use MainManager to manage:
Sentralen’s data will be imported into MainManager as a three-dimensional BIM model which will then be used to manage information on the building and it’s systems. Subsequently, Sentralen will use MainManager to manage:
- Operations
- Maintenance
- Fire prevention
- Cleaning
- Space management
- Rent Management
- Art work
- Service center
- Reserve meeting rooms
Who are Sentralen
Sentralen is located in Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo. In 2016 the building will be used for various cultural and entrepreneurial activities, all of it’s 12000 square meters will be used as office space or galleries with the intent of forging a link between the arts and the business sector.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Reykjavík (the capital city of Iceland) chooses MainManager
Reykjavík has chosen MainManager to manage and maintain all of the cities 320 playgrounds (kindergartens, schools and open areas).
MainManager will be used to manage all check items and incidents which come up during :
- The statutory inspections of playground equipment
- Daily operations
- Ad hoc inspections
The implementation is under way and it is already possible to conduct inspections on 2 playgrounds
How can MainManager be used in the monitoring and inspecting of playgrounds :
- All of the playgrounds information can be registered and maintained through MainManager.
- It offers a comprehensive and user-friendly supervision of check items and incidents.
- Custom made checklists are created for each playground, playground equipment and ground.
- All statutory inspections are linked to a task in the planning module. When the start date of the inspection is close, MainManager automatically sends the checklist for the given playground to a previously chosen recipient.
- The inspection takes place on site. Incidents or check itmes are logged on a smartphone or a tablet through MainManager’s app.
- When incidents or check items have been created they can be prioritized instantly and sent immediately to the city‘s employee or a contractor.
- Statistics and reports can be taken out to analyze each playgrounds status and for comparison.
- Tasks can be managed from start to finish.
This way the playgrounds maintenance history is logged and the follow-up of the check items and incidents is ensured.
Reykjavík and MainManager.
Reykjavík has been using MainManager for many years for the operation and maintainance of all of it‘s buildings, roads and flowerbeds. In addition Reykjavík Service Centre has used MainManager to register and manage all incoming incidents from it‘s citizens.
Reykjavík‘s employees therefore have a vast experience in the useage of MainManager. They know what the system is capable of and wish to use it to ensure the safety of the cities youngest residents.
Friday, 8 May 2015
Aston University Engineers are on the Move
Following other successful roll outs of MainManager Mobile, we are proud to announce that Aston University have followed suit. We recently set the system up and carried out training at our Harrogate office using a "train the trainer" model.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Plans for Facilities Show 2015 Building Momentum
Taking place at London ExCeL, Jun 16-18, the annual gathering of facilities management has already confirmed some stunning big names to exhibit: PHS Group, Broag Ltd; Crown Oil, FSI (FM Solutions), Mitie Group, Fireco, Euroworkspace, FM180, Topdesk UK and Miko Coffee.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Wärtsilä chooses MainManager
Wärtsilä has signed a contract with MainManager for the implementation and use of the software MainManager. Implementation of the software and training of employees is already under way.
Wärtsilä‘s property department in Norway manages around 75.000 m2 and will be using MainManager for space management through :
- Interactive drawings
- Construction data
- Property data
- Operations
- Maintenance
- Fire prevention portals
- Help desk
MainManager will be providing a complete setup of technical systems, operating plans and interactive drawings for the administration building at Stord.
Wärtsilä is a large Finnish company with 18,000 employees and factories in 70 countries. The company has 4 subsidiaries in Norway with 1200 employees which deliver products and solutions for the marine, oil & gas and industrial sectors.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Contra chooses MainManager
On the 19th of February an agreement between Contra and MainManager was signed. The implementation of the MainManager is already under way and the system will be taken into use in May 2015.
Contra will be using MainManager to manage the largest property in their charge; Höfðatorg.
There MainManager will be used to:
- Monitor energy consumption
- Create and manage incidents
- Manage service providers
- Manage the operation and maintenance of the property
- Manage lease contracts
Who are Contra
Contra is a spezialized asset management company which manages real estate portfolios in cooperation with banks, pension funds, insurance companies and investors.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Reykjavik City opens MainManager – incident service for citizens
Today, Mayor, Jon Gnarr, officially opened a new notification system which is based on and connected to the MainManager. The new notification system is easily accessible to all citizens of Reykjavik, through the front page on Reykjavik cities webpage.
The system gives the citizen the opportunity to point out, to the employees of Reykjavik, where and what needs to be fixed within the city limits.
The system gives the citizen the opportunity to point out, to the employees of Reykjavik, where and what needs to be fixed within the city limits.
The citizen can accurately pinpoint the location of the notification on a GIS map and then write a description of what needs to be done in the chosen area.
Reykjavik employees then use the MainManager’s operation & maintenance system to handle the submitted notifications.
Reykjavik employees then use the MainManager’s operation & maintenance system to handle the submitted notifications.
Citizens are encouraged to notify different incidents such as damaged traffic signs, loose plates, damaged benches, broken trees, off street lighting etc. within the city limits.
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